GBLL is a completely volunteer organization. Our volunteers are comprised of individuals, families working together, corporate employee groups, and hundreds of children from local school groups... kindergarten to teenagers, their parents and grandparents. Whether it is stuffing backpacks, sorting clothes, driving trucks, or delivering our gifts to the homeless, each volunteer is an integral part of the experience of Giving Back.
The other major component of the Drive, and a key component of our Mission, is the involvement of school children is stuffing backpacks with winter clothing which they pay for themselves. This past year GBLL delivered over 2500 of these backpacks as part of the more than 20 truck loads of clothing and other items which were delivered on Christmas Eve. GBLL's 2015 drive involved over 500 volunteers delivering goods to more than two dozen shelters and on the streets, affecting the lives of thousands of men, women and children.In 2004, as the Drive was getting much too much for one person to handle, Steve Anstett stepped in to help Linda keep things growing and developing. Steve quickly became a major force in Giving Back and took the steps that allowed the organization and its reach to greatly expand. In particular he initiated the backpack program which has become a major component of the organization.
Giving back means different things to different people. To some, it is giving time, resources, and donations to their communities, families, and friend groups. To others, it is a sense of appreciation for everything others did for them and a desire to do the same for someone else as much as everyone did for them.
Generally, giving back is investing time and resources to help people. It can be as little as buying a sandwich for someone who needs a meal, as little as a simple act of kindness, or providing a moment of hope or happiness to someone else. Regardless of how much you can do, one thing is certain; the world is a better place when we all give. Here are some inspiring quotes from people who love giving back to society.
To give back, you have to give up something, whether time, resources, or experience. Giving back entails sacrifice. You have to sacrifice time, money, knowledge, and resources that you may have used for yourself.
In this giving back quote, Adrian places giving back on the same level of importance as family and friends. Few things make life meaningful. Family definitely adds meaning to life. Giving back makes you feel like you are contributing your quota to make life better for others.
Charity work is very important to me and gives me an opportunity to give back to my community. I've always been a big supporter of many different charities, have donated millions of dollars to them, and it just feels great to do and be able to help others, especially children.
Being able to help others is a great feeling. A lot of people attach so much importance to giving back because it makes them feel good. Giving back makes you feel great because you know someone can live a better life, thanks to you.
I've been giving back since I was a teen, handing out turkeys at Thanksgiving and handing out toys at toys drives for Christmas. It's very important to give back as a youth. It's as simple as helping an old lady across the street or giving up your seat on the bus for someone who is pregnant.
We should always give back to the communities, institutions, and people that helped us achieve success. Some people actually see giving back as a privilege because eventually, what you give out comes back to you.
I believe that we all have a responsibility to give back. No one becomes successful without lots of hard work, support from others, and a little luck. Giving back creates a virtuous cycle that makes everyone more successful.
Ron believes that giving back is a responsibility, and since success requires help from others, we should pay it forward by giving back to society, thus creating a cycle. Giving back helps others become successful, and if they also pay it forward, it becomes a chain cycle of becoming successful and giving back.
I absolutely believe in the power of tithing and giving back. My own experience about all the blessings I've had in my life is that the more I give away, the more that comes back. That is the way life works, and that is the way energy works.
Giving back, according to Ken, has been a channel of blessing. The more he gives away, the more comes back to him as life generally obeys a law of giving and receiving. So, giving away is a privilege we all should embrace, as it opens up channels of blessing.
Giving back to society does not offer benefits to others alone. It is also good for you. Good actions provide a sense of meaning, knowing you were able to help someone in need. Giving back also unlocks your capabilities as you won't see what you can do until you have to try to help someone else.
Exposure to a professional environment and opportunities to make connections can change the lives of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Our AGB Business Internship has impacted hundreds of students, teaching them invaluable business and communication skills and exposing them to minority entrepreneurs and professionals.
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Many clients leave their crises with only the clothing on their backs. We are here to help them restock those basic necessities free of charge. Through generous donations we make sure these women and children have what they need to to rebuild their lives and restore their dignity.
There are many different ways you can practice giving to others. But no matter what other ways you choose to give, I recommend giving 10% of your income. We need to be intentional with our giving, just like we are with any area we want to succeed in.
Chick-fil-A Operators are full-time, hands-on leaders in their restaurants and in their communities. That's why, around the country, restaurant Operators find creative ways to serve. In some communities, that means supporting the troops through military appreciation events or inviting guests for family events like Daddy Daughter Date Night. Or, through Chick-fil-A, Inc., they can sponsor national programs and partnerships locally, like Junior Achievement or Chick-fil-A Leader Academy. Ultimately, as independent business owners, Operators choose how and when they want to give back - supporting causes that are most meaningful to them, their customers and their communities. 2ff7e9595c